

TypeScript has a way to describe objects which have unknown keys but known values on an object, via index signatures.

interface EnvironmentVars {
NAME: string;
OS: string;
// Unknown properties are covered by this index signature.
[propName: string]: string;
declare const env: EnvironmentVars;
// Declared as existing
const sysName = env.NAME;
const os = env.OS;
const os: string
// Not declared, but because of the index
// signature, then it is considered a string
const nodeEnv = env.NODE_ENV;
const nodeEnv: string

Turning on noUncheckedIndexedAccess will add undefined to any un-declared field in the type.

declare const env: EnvironmentVars;
// Declared as existing
const sysName = env.NAME;
const os = env.OS;
const os: string
// Not declared, but because of the index
// signature, then it is considered a string
const nodeEnv = env.NODE_ENV;
const nodeEnv: string | undefined